Roscoe Village Farmers Market 2024


June 9 - October 13, 2024


Location: Hamlin Park (3035 N Hoyne Ave)

购买新鲜农产品、面包、糕点、奶酪、咖啡、蜂蜜、坚果等等! Plus, enjoy family-friendly activities and 免费锻炼(向下滚动供应商列表查看锻炼计划) throughout the market season. By prioritizing dedicated, 社区步行即可到达当地农民和制造商, 对于购物者和商贩来说,这个市场将成为可持续发展的中心. 市场自豪地接受伊利诺伊州LINK卡用户补充营养援助计划.


  • 1902年有限公司 is a minority owned business; 女人 baker that features artisan sourdough bread and sourdough baked goods including cookies, 佛卡夏, 等.

  • Allium Bagels 是一家总部位于芝加哥的百吉饼公司,主打手工百吉饼和以allium为灵感的奶油奶酪.

  • Broune Desserts 是一家少数族裔和女性拥有的当地企业,生产小批量手工制作的美味布朗尼和饼干. They use the best possible ingredients they can source locally, with flavor combinations that will blow your mind.

  • Flying Penguin Farm 是专门种植可持续种植的切花和精选蔬菜的微型农场吗.

  • Four Star 手工制作的 Coffee is a minority owned small-business & 当地的咖啡烘焙师,专门手工制作小批量咖啡和蜡烛.

  • ​Heartland Superior Meats 是印第安纳州东北部的一个家庭农场合作社,提供来自J&C Nicodemus Family Farms and pork from Frazier Farms Pork.

  • 喜怒无常的茶 是黑色的, 女人, Lgbtq +拥有的企业,将出售散叶茶和各种口味的茶茶混合在一起,以提高你的情绪. They also offer hot and iced teas (depending on weather).

  • Parra农场 offers 水果s, vegetables, eggs peppers, and cherry tomatoes.

  • pHlour Bakery has all the baked goods you need: croissants, 丹麦, 蛋卷, 松饼, cinnamon rolls, and fresh-baked bread. 有益健康的. 手工制作的. 丰富的.

  • Southside Grinds Coffee Co. 是一家总部位于芝加哥的黑人女性拥有的咖啡公司,最初是一家拥有移动浓缩咖啡吧的咖啡烘焙机. 他们继续建立社区,填补了城市南区巨大的咖啡缺口.

  • 辣的女孩 一家由两名女性经营的企业是用天然原料和保证不含麸质的纯素辣酱吗!

  • Stamper Cheese Company 会有美味的自制奶酪,烟熏,陈年,准备带回家吗!

  • Tamales Express is locally owned and will serve Tamales, 炸玉米饼, 鳄梨色拉酱, 玉米, 芒果, 柠檬水, vegan/ gluten free pastries, soft drinks and bottled water

  • Crumb What May 是一家女性经营的企业,专门经营经典的南部和中西部烘焙食品,如圣. Louis-style gooey butter cakes, buttermilk biscuits, 酥饼, 烤饼, 次失误, and artisan baking mixes.

  • La Juicy Jars 是一家女性拥有的企业,生产100%天然果汁和海苔产品,以帮助整体愈合, specifically focused on blood pressure, 胆固醇, 糖尿病, metabolism boosting, eczema and natural energy.

  • 光+爱 Soaps has Non-gmo, plant-based Soap, Solid Shampoo, Conditioner & 身体黄油. 原料是精心挑选的,着眼于创造可持续的, phthalate and SLS free products that are cruelty free.

  • Dar果仁蜜饼 is a minority-owned small business that makes healthier, 手工制作的, premium baklava bites with high protein, 低糖, 和最少的糖浆(因此我们的口号是“不粘手指”),每片含有80%的坚果,作为单独的零食(50克)和礼盒(450克).

  • The Love U Co Chakra Skincare 是一家女性所有,姐妹所有的企业,生产纯天然沐浴浴 & Body products that pair clean, 具有芳香疗法和脉轮古老知识的亲肤成分,保护和滋养你的皮肤,同时提升你的情绪和改善你的情绪健康.

  • Daly's Donuts 是一家当地女性经营的企业,生产各种口味的新鲜烘焙甜甜圈吗. Flavors inclde: Baked Cinnamon Sugar Donuts, Baked Cinnamon Sugar Dunkers (Donut Holes), Baked Chocolate Churro Donuts, Baked Chocolate Dipped Donuts

  • Irene’s Finer Diner 一家小公司是否专注于为我们美好的社区提供最高质量的原料! Baked Goods, Breads, Coffee, Prepared Foods

  • dzough 会出售不含麸质、乳制品、素食和坚果的鹰嘴豆皮吗! Imagine your favorite chocolate bark, but BETTER!

  • Chicago Wick Stop 蜡烛代表每个社区,以及我们对他们的爱(或恨),诙谐的俏皮话和高质量的产品.

  • Otter Oaks Farm is a queer-owned, small urban farm that grows and sells a variety of vegetables, 水果, and herbs that are inspired by the values of creativity, 社区, accessibility and wholeness.

  • A Versatile You™️ is a Self Care Brand with Aromatherapy Enriched Candles, Área薄雾和自然护肤,通过感官治疗为您提供全面的体验.

  • Strictly Hodgepodge has rare books, baseball mitts, vintage and artisan jewelry, old sheet music and other eccentric vintage artifacts.

  • Candyality 是黑人, 拉蒂娜, and 女人-owned business and offers candy, 棉花糖, 爆米花, 糖果, gourmet chocolates and more!

  • 坚果带走 是一家少数人所有的企业,并在现场生产新鲜的烤杏仁、腰果和山核桃. Flavors include vanilla and whiskey roasted.

  • Nuts over Dates is a health food store. 他们的产品是由简单,天然的原料和素食,无麸质,生. 没有添加糖、防腐剂或油,所以你可以放心地吃零食.

  • Los Rodriguez Farm 是一个家庭拥有的农场,努力拥有最好的水果,蔬菜,花卉,植物和蜂蜜.

  • Grounded Apothecary has Bath & Body Products, Sea moss, tinctures. 补养药, magnesium mist spray, 用最优质的原料手工制作的发油和散叶茶.

  • Laconic Foods 一个女人拥有自己的生意,自己收割橄榄,自己榨橄榄油吗. All products are 100% raw and unfiltered and natural.

  • 玩笑 is a 50% 女人 owned business. 他们将农场的新鲜风味融入烤饼等烘焙食品中, cinnamon rolls, 果酱酒吧, 水果 fritter and fresh baked 佛卡夏.

  • Regal Mutt Bakery + Boutique has piremium dog provisions. Natural and organic biscuits. Single ingredient and single origin jerky. Lifestyle goods for humans and dogs. Female minority owned and give back quarterly to the 社区.

  • Dorothy’s Bakery focuses on sourdough breads, bagel sandwiches, and pastries. 多萝西的基础是创造产品,突出当地的食材,以平易近人和美味的方式.

  • Cosmic Pet Bakery 是一家拉丁人拥有的宠物面包店,专门为猫和狗提供单一成分的烘焙食品吗.


报名 for your free Workout Class here

Join a group class full-body workout focused on low-impact, small movements that strengthen and tone in 50 minutes or less.

Sunday, June 9 @ 9am

Sunday, July 14 @9am

Sunday, August 11 @9am

Sunday, September 8 @9am

Sunday, October 13 @9am


Sunday, July 21  @ 10am

Sunday, August 18  @10am

Sunday, September 15 @10am

Become A vendor

The Market is held on Sunday’s from 9am-1pm June 9 - October 13, 2024, at the Hamlin Park field near the playground. We will be sharing the location soon! 如果您有兴趣成为供应商,请了解更多信息并填写应用程序 在这里. Application deadline is Wednesday, 6/19. We will not be accepting any vendors after that date. 

Be a 社区 Partner

而我们的罗斯科村农贸市场摊贩摊位只致力于当地种植和生产的食品和手工艺品供应商, 来个加拿大28的APP合作伙伴计划为其他当地企业提供了一种接触市场顾客的方式. Our partners support the continued existence of the Market, 这使来个加拿大28的APP成为一个更有吸引力、更有价值的居住和经商场所. 了解更多 and apply 在这里.


赞助市场是一个伟大的营销工具,为您的业务,并表明您的承诺,支持获得新鲜的和当地的供应商! 了解更多 about sponsorship opportunities by contacting our team 在这里.


需要志愿者协助市场设置、故障、链接和管理信息帐篷. 在市场帮忙是融入社区的好方法. 报名 在这里 to volunteer at the market!

Thanks to our sponsors!